a vibrant community
of dedicated members

icp is a diverse community comprised of members, candidates, corresponding members, and staff

ICP strives to promote an environment of free inquiry, a sense of community, a culture of diversity, inclusion, invitation, dignity, and respect for the therapeutic process.

board of directors

icp staff

corresponding members

committees & chairs

awards & recipients

ICP Board of Directors


Gerard Webster, PhD, PsyD

Vice President

Edie Boxer, MSW, PsyD


Beate Klein, PhD, PsyD, LMFT


Leena Chaugule, PsyD, MB.BS, FRANZCP

Susan Klett, PhD, PsyD, LCSW-R

Kathy Marks, PsyD, MFT

Julie Michaelson, LCSW, PsyD

Joe Shaleen, PsyD

Felix Salomon, PhD, PsyD

Lynda Chassler, LCSW, PhD

Gaea Logan, LPC-S, CGP

Sarah Farnsworth, MFA, RPS

Carrie Atikune, PsyD

ICP Staff


Suresh Jain

Senior Manager of Administration and Programs

Gabriele Lippmann

Corresponding Members

George Atwood, Ph.D.
Alan Bass, Ph.D.
Beatrice Beebe, Ph.D.
Christopher Bollas, Ph.D.
Marco Casonato, Ph.D.
Jody Messler Davies, Ph.D.
Marianne Eckardt, M.D.
Darlene Ehrenberg, Ph.D.
Ernst Falzeder, Ph.D.
Peter Fonagy, Ph.D.
James Fosshage, Ph.D.
RoseMarie Foster, Ph.D.
Roger Frie, Ph.D. P
Glen Gabbard, M.D.
Victoria Hamilton, Ph.D.
Adrienne Harris, Ph.D.

Andre Haynal, M.D.
Irwin Hoffman, Ph.D.
Jeremy Holmes, M.D.
Douglas Kirsner, Ph.D.
Steven Knoblauch, Ph.D.
Frank Lachmann, Ph.D.
Joan Lang, M.D.
Karen Maroda, Ph.D., A
James McKenna, Ph.D.
Mary Sue Moore, Ph.D.
Gianni Nebbiosi, Ph.D.
Donna Orange, Ph.D., P
Anna Ornstein, M.D.
Joseph Palombo, M.A.
Michael Parsons, M.A., M.
Barbara Pizer, Ed.D., A

Stuart Pizer, Ph.D.,
Alan Roland, Ph.D.
Peter Rudnytsky, Ph.D.
Susan Sands, Ph.D.
Allan Schore, Ph.D.
Murray Schwartz, Ph.D.
Stephen Seligman, DMH
Arietta Slade, Ph.D.
Jonathan Slavin, Ph.D.
Malcolm Slavin, Ph.D.
Donnel Stern, Ph.D.
Judith Viorst,
Brenda Webster, Ph.D.
Bryant Welch, J.D., Ph

Committees & Chairs

The various committees perform the functions of ICP, such as developing curriculum or monitoring progress of candidates. Committees are volunteer efforts and include self-nominated participants. Appointments are in increments of two-year terms, as this fulfils a conditional requirement for candidacy. Participation in committees is necessary for the continued responsiveness of ICP to its community and the successful operation of the organization.


Currently open – Chair

The Admission Committee evaluates the suitability of applicants as students and as members of ICP. It provides information to those who reach out with an intereest in studying at ICP or in joining as members and is in charge of reviewing the applications of prospective candidates and members, requesting reference letters and community feedback, and assigning interviews for potential candidates. Members of the committee are expected to be actively involved in the interview process, as the committee tries to ensure that at least one of the interviewers is on the Admissions committee. All committee members review all the application material and participate in determining the committee’s recommendations to the Board regarding the suitability of applicants. The committee also addresses admission policy issues, which are in the form of recommendations made to the Board about the admissions process and requirements.

The Admissions committee meets several times per year with much of the business being done by email; meetings are arranged based on the number of people who are ready for consideration for admission as candidates or members.

Leena Chaugule, PsyD, FRANZCP, MBBS – Chair

The Candidate Progression Committee is charged with monitoring the progress of each candidate as they work their way through the requirements of personal analysis, case supervision, and course work at ICP.

The committee is comprised of members and candidates who participate equally in monitoring the individual progression of each candidate on a yearly basis. The committee assigns an Advisor to each incoming first year candidate. Candidate members of the committee may not serve as an Advisor. The committee also receives and processes any special requests for waivers, forwarding its recommendations to the Board for final approval. The CPC oversees candidates and members who choose to be on “leave” status, and processes requests regarding classes, supervision, and special circumstances. The Chairs of the CPC maintain and update the Candidate Manual on a regular basis. This is a working committee that may require commitments beyond attending the monthly meetings. The Committee meets monthly on a Tuesday evenings from 7:30 P.M. to 8:30 P.M on zoom.

Ellen Lehman, PhD – Chair

The Scholarship and Loan Committee (SAL) is for the candidates in the 4-year Psychoanalytic Training Program who might find the financial constraints of ICP candidacy too burdensome to manage. There are three different financial support programs: General Scholarship Program, Ethnic Minority Scholarship, and Tuition Deferral Loans. Candidates in the Psychoanalytic Training Program wishing continued support must apply for assistance each year, preferably by the end of July. Please check your ICP Membership Portal for more details.


Robin S. Cohen, Ph.D. & Adrian Sanchez, PsyD, ABPP, FABP – Co- Chairs

The Education Curriculum Committee oversees the course work of the candidates in ICP’s Four Year Psychoanalytic Training Program. It determines which courses will be offered and in which order and also organizes and works with the faculty for those courses. It attends to the policies encompassing the candidate attendance, curriculum, and faculty. Furthermore, the Education Curriculum Committee receives and processes any special requests for waivers regarding coursework in collaboration with the Candidate Progression Committee as appropriate and if needed. The Education Committee deals with specific candidate needs regarding the curriculum and supports each candidate’s coursework.

This committee is composed of analyst members and candidates. This is a working committee that may require commitments beyond attending the monthly meetings. 

Mary Walters, PsyD, LCSW – Chair

The Continuing Education Programs Committee is charged with overseeing and coordinating all in-house ICP programs other than the Psychoanalytic Training Program. These include the Saturday Series Program, the Extension/Foundations Program, and the Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Training Program. The committee consists of this committee Chair plus the Chairs of all the other Continuing Education Programs that are active in a given academic year.

Abby Vinson, PsyD, LMFT, SEP – Chair

The Committee is charged with creating and maintaining the Foundation Series. The Foundation Series is a ten-month program meeting once a month to offer contemporary psychoanalytic studies to license and unlicensed mental health professionals. The Foundation Series is designed to offer an extensive introduction to both contemporary and classical analytic theory. The committee creates the Foundation Series curriculum, assigns instructors and facilitators, monitors the classes and the class facilitators, and addresses problems that arise. The committee is a working committee and participants are expected to carry out some additional work outside of committee meetings.

Sharon Kaz, PhD, PsyD, LCSW and Elizabeth Berger Vittes, PhD, PsyD, LCSW, MSW – Co-Chairs

The Saturday Series Program Committee is charged with creating and maintaining the Saturday Series Program. The Saturday Series Program is a seven-month program meeting once a month to offer contemporary psychoanalytic studies to licensed and pre-licensed mental health professionals. This program is designed to provide exposure to key psychoanalytic concepts, offering foundational themes reflective of contemporary psychoanalysis, including theory, technique, and special clinical treatment issues. The committee creates the curriculum, assigns instructors and facilitators, designs the advertising materials, makes budgetary decisions, monitors the classes and the class facilitators, and addresses problems that arise. The committee is a working committee and participants are expected to carry out some additional work outside of committee meetings.

Wendy Bauer, PsyD, LMFT – Chair

The Program Committee curates and organizes educational programs and conferences on current topics in psychoanalysis for ICP members and for the professional community at large. Most of the programs offer opportunities to receive CE credits required by state licensing boards. The Committee also organizes the annual ICP Open House every Spring. Some of the committee’s tasks include inviting speakers from the psychoanalytic community to participate in programs, curating panels of discussants, budgeting for events and negotiating speaker’s fees, handling continuing education forms, and facilitating and managing all technical aspects of Zoom events. The committee handles all marketing related to programs including designing and disseminating flyers via email blast and over listservs to promote events, setting up online registration, managing emails to registrants, and coordinating with the ICP web designer to design the webpage for events. For in-person events, the committee books event space and catering, handles entertainment and accommodations, and hires online streaming services. This committee meets throughout the year, usually 1-2 times per month depending on the program schedule.

Mary Walters, PsyD, LCSW – Chair

The Continuing Education Committee is charged with overseeing compliance with the standards established by the American Psychological Association to allow ICP to provide continuing education credits to candidates and attendees who participate in ICP’s programs, including the Psychoanalytic Training Program, Continuing Education Committee, and Independent Programs.  The mandate of the ICP Continuing Education Program is to ensure that our programs are geared toward doctoral level clinical psychologists, with a particular focus on psychoanalytic constructs and techniques. The ICP Continuing Education Program Committee views contemporary psychoanalysis through the lens of psychoanalytic psychology in that the standards of psychological practice are an integral component of its academic curriculum and continuing education.  As such, evidence based and community standards of ethical clinical practice as well as evolving ethical and legal concerns are given priority in determining and implementing training needs. The Committee is tasked to be sure that all ICP programs that offer CEs adhere to the standards, criteria, policies, and procedures of the American Psychological Association Sponsor Approval System. While the focus of the Committee is on criteria established by the APA for granting continuing education, these criteria are also recognized and accepted by NASW and CAMFT for granting CE’s.

Steve Deitelbaum, PsyD – Chair

The Ethics Committee serves as a central body dedicated to integrating ethical principles into institute-life through educational, professional, and institutional activities. Any member of the ICP community can approach the committee or its individual members to discuss an area of ethical concern or interest. Ethical complaints from the general public are directed to both the Ethics Committee and the ICP Board. Such complaints may include, but need not be limited to, dishonesty, discrimination, or boundary violations (and other areas of ethical misconduct). The committee listens to allegations and offers consultation; it has no disciplinary power, nor does it act as a judicial body. At times, the committee will refer a complainant to the appropriate licensing board or state agency. The Ethics Committee encourages discussion of ethical issues and questions with members, candidates, and the institute at large. Any ICP member, ICP candidate, or member of the public who has questions or an ethical concern about an ICP member or candidate and wishes to make a confidential complaint to the ICP Ethics Committee can do so by sending an email to the Ethics Committee.

Paula Kenney, PsyD, LMFT – Chair

To attain the status of supervising and training analyst, ICP requires all members to participate in at least five years of study groups, which can be either peer consultation groups (at least two) or supervision training groups (at least one). Members who wish to be in a peer consultation group are randomly assigned, with rerandomization occurring every two years. Supervision training groups are formed by assignment based on the size of groups. Participants in both types of groups are required to attend seven out nine meetings each year. All groups are online.

Veronica Abney, PhD, LCSW and Nicole Nelson, PsyD, LMFT, LPCC – Co-Chairs

ICP’s cutting edge status and dedication to spreading the word on contemporary psychoanalytic theories puts it in a unique place to attract those not traditionally a part of the psychoanalytic community. The Ad Hoc Committee for Diversity was established in 2003 with that in mind. The Committee’s overall mission is to take the lead in helping ICP become a more inclusive institution that is inviting to everyone regardless of ethnicity, sexual orientation, or gender identification. More specifically we are working towards the following goals:

  1. Finding concrete ways to attract a more diverse membership which involves understanding the reasons for the current lack of diversity at ICP.
  2. Providing members with the necessary experiences to become aware of their implicit biases which function as obstacles to maintaining a diverse membership and to providing candidates with an education that is relevant to, and inclusive of, those traditionally marginalized by the field.
  3. Promoting contemporary psychoanalysis to those who have traditionally been excluded and maligned by the field.

Dr. Stacy Berlin – Chair

This committee was established at the end of 2022 by Dr. Stacy Berlin. There is an extensive list of identities that make up the vibrant LGBTQ+ community and it is known that holding certain identities sometimes leads to increased discrimination, disadvantage, and oppression. LGBTQ+ represents each person’s unique identity Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer or Questioning and the countless affirmative ways in which people choose to self-identify.

We invite all ICP candidates and members to contribute their individual response related to the concept of population diversity in sexuality and gender identification, including the complex impact of invisibility or visibility, with all its expanding influence and importance. The essay award is given yearly for the best paper submitted (100- 1000 words). The current prize is $500.00, an individual plaque, and the winner’s name will be placed on the ICP website. Recipients of this award are eligible to submit again in three years.

Keeping their memories alive!
Matthew, 제인, Jane, John, and Juan Doe, and anyone else murdered, brutalized, dehumanized, attacked, stabbed, or perpetrated in any manner related to hate. “Attackers used screwdrivers, iron rods, gasoline, boulders, and other makeshift weapons to kill and assault, often going far beyond the violence necessary to end a life (The Coloradoan).”

Susan A. Klett, Ph.D., Psy.D., L.C.S.W.-R – Chair

The Nancy Goldman Award for Service and Leadership to ICP was created in 2014 to honor our former Co-President Nancy Goldman for her exemplary contributions to ICP. Awarded each year as part of the graduation ceremony, each year’s recipient will receive an individual plaque to take home and is recognized on the ICP Website showcasing their name. In keeping with Nancy’s values, this award is meant to honor volunteers who have made significant contributions to our institute over time, particularly those unsung heroes (= “Boots on the Ground” as Nancy always characterized these special ICP people) who quietly work hard without necessarily achieving prominence or high visibility. However, individuals may be nominated for demonstrating leadership and service in other ways as well. In the spirit of ICP’s non-hierarchical structure, any candidate or member is eligible to be nominated for this award, except for those on the current Goldman Award committee or previous recipients of this award. Any candidate or member of ICP is eligible to make a nomination. There will be no self-nominations or anonymous nominations accepted. Each member of the ICP community is limited to making one nomination per year.

George Bermudez, PhD, PsyD – Chair

The SPC was created September 2011 as an Ad-Hoc committee. This was the first time such a committee had been created at ICP. The groups focus is to assist and inform the various committee’s as well as the Board of Directors in designing a plan to direct how ICP could move forward. The SPC would analyze the current mission of ICP, establish goals; educational, financial, and operationally. It is important for the strategic plan to look at the organization as a complete entity – an integrated system – and to be concerned with its long-term development. Keeping in mind the democratic nature of ICP these recommendations in collaboration with the ICP Community, Committees and chairpersons would be taken to the Board of Directors to establish goals and action items for the future success of ICP.

What is strategic planning?

  • Clarifying the identity and primary task of the organization
  • Deciding what is and is not a priority for the use of resources
  • Analyzing the internal and external environment
  • Considering how best to deal with upcoming changes and transitions
  • Setting a clear direction with goals and action items; short and long term
  • Creating a strong foundation for institute success by focusing on operational effectiveness, community morale, and comprehensive candidate education

As with the psychoanalytic process it is important for the SPC to consider where the institute has been (its history and foundations), where it is now (its internal and external ecosystem), co- determine where we would like to be and map how to get there. The Institute’s co-created strategic plan should be written out and made available to all the membership articulating and clarifying the aims and objectives the organization is collaboratively working towards.

To be announced – Chair

This Committee is responsible for the planning, development, and implementation of annual recurring ICP Community insititutional events, such as the “Spring Celebration Party & Graduation Ceremony”, “Fall & Back to School Party”, and the “Holiday Party” in line with the budget assigned by the board. Responsiblities include securing a venue, arranging for catering, as well as determining and coordinating the necessary programming needs (for instance, assignment of Graduation Speakers, creation of the Graduation Program including timeline, etc.). The committee chair works closely with the ICP board (approval of budget, venue and menus), the ICP office (to plan registration details & graduation program), as well as the two committees that are part of the graduation ceremony: Nancy Goldmann Committee Chair and the LGBTQ Committee chair.

Robyn Sewitz PsyD LCSW – Chair

Serving as the Training Analyst for a Candidate in Training is significant to that Candidate’s education, and the Training/Supervising Analyst Committee is committed to ensuring that individuals, who assume that role, are eminently qualified. A graduate of ICP’s training program who has completed the additional requirements for Training/Supervising Analyst is automatically deemed qualified to be an ICP TSA, but applicants for that position who have been trained outside of ICP are evaluated by the TSA Committee to determine whether their education is equivalent to that of ICP’s. Because of the nature of the committee’s responsibilities, no candidates can sit on this particular committee. Click here to learn more details about TSA policies and procedures and to apply.

Gaea Logan, LPC-S, CGP, FAGPA – Chair

The mission of this committee is to provide training in contemporary psychoanalytic psychotherapy to community mental health agencies and associations, locally, nationally and internationally. The focus is on agencies with large numbers of graduate students and licensed clinicians in order to provide community service and to also generate interest in further training at ICP.

Some of the agencies the Public Education Committee has provided training for include:

  • Vista del Mar
  • Reiss-Davis Child Study Center
  • Airport Marina Counseling Center
  • Family Service of Santa Monica
  • Campion Counseling Center
  • Venice Family Clinic
  • The Maple Center
  • Southern California Counseling Center
  • Julia Ann Singer
  • Valley Community Clinic
  • The Help Group
  • Homesafe and Foothill Family Service

Currently unavailable

The committee is involved in the selection of applicants, and the organization and coordination of resources for the training program. Candidate members have the same input as everyone else on the committee (this includes decisions on policies and interviewing of perspective applicants). This committee meets approximately every 2-3 months, except during the summer application process, when it meets as needed (about once a month).

Leena Chaugule, PsyD, FRANZCP, MBBS – Chair

The primary purpose of the finance committee is to oversee ICP’s financial health and ensure it has the resources to operate within our financial goals and the institute’s mission. The committee’s responsibilities include and are not limited to creating and monitoring a budgeting process, production of reports, active investment planning and asset protection, regular financial analysis and production of regular financial statements.

awards & recipients

Recognizing ICP students, candidates, & members who have achieved special awards.

The Gender, Sexuality, LGBTQ + Essay Award

Dr. Stacy Berlin, Chair

Committee Members: Dr. Roberto D’Angelo, Dr. Darren Haber, Dr. Lynne Jacobs, Dr. Russell Koch, Dr. David Schreiber, and Dr. Estelle Shane

 This committee was established at the end of 2022 by Dr. Stacy Berlin. There is an extensive list of identities that make up the vibrant LGBTQ+ community and it is known that holding certain identities sometimes leads to increased discrimination, disadvantage, and oppression. LGBTQ+ represents each person’s unique identity Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer or Questioning and the countless affirmative ways in which people choose to self-identify.

We invite all ICP candidates and members to contribute their individual response related to the concept of population diversity in sexuality and gender identification, including the complex impact of invisibility or visibility, with all its expanding influence and importance. The essay award is given yearly for the best paper submitted (100- 1000 words). The current prize is $500.00, an individual plaque, and the winner’s name will be placed on the ICP website. Recipients of this award are eligible to submit again in three years.

Keeping their memories alive!
Matthew, 제인, Jane, John, and Juan Doe, and anyone else murdered, brutalized, dehumanized, attacked, stabbed, or perpetrated in any manner related to hate. “Attackers used screwdrivers, iron rods, gasoline, boulders, and other makeshift weapons to kill and assault, often going far beyond the violence necessary to end a life (The Coloradoan).”

Nancy Goldman Award

Susan A. Klett, Ph.D., Psy.D., L.C.S.W.-R – Chair 

The Nancy Goldman Award for Service and Leadership to ICP was created in 2014 to honor our former Co-President Nancy Goldman for her exemplary contributions to ICP. Awarded each year as part of the graduation ceremony, each year’s recipient will receive an individual plaque to take home and is recognized on the ICP Website showcasing their name. In keeping with Nancy’s values, this award is meant to honor volunteers who have made significant contributions to our institute over time, particularly those unsung heroes (= “Boots on the Ground” as Nancy always characterized these special ICP people) who quietly work hard without necessarily achieving prominence or high visibility. However, individuals may be nominated for demonstrating leadership and service in other ways as well. In the spirit of ICP’s non-hierarchical structure, any candidate or member is eligible to be nominated for this award, except for those on the current Goldman Award committee or previous recipients of this award. Any candidate or member of ICP is eligible to make a nomination. There will be no self-nominations or anonymous nominations accepted. Each member of the ICP community is limited to making one nomination per year.

Dr. Daphne S. Stolorow Essay Award (discontinued)

Robert Stolorow, PhD, William Coburn, PsyD, and Jeffrey Trop, MD – Co-Chairs

The award was established by family and friends to memorialize Dr. Daphne S. Stolorow (December 20, 1956 – February 23, 1991) and her precocious capacity for psychoanalytic scholarship. It was awarded annually for the best essay submitted contributing to the topic of psychoanalysis. It is less well known that Dede – as she was called by loved ones and friends – also played a significant role in the creation of ICP. We are all grateful to Dede, for her wonderful contributions to psychoanalytic discourse and for the indirect role that she played in the “coming into being” of ICP.  Congratulations again to all previous winners of this wonderful award (including honorable mention certificates), and thanks to all members of the Daphne Stolorow committee for keeping this award and Dede’s memory alive for so many years!