join the icp community

get involved in a community dedicated to contemporary psychoanalytic thinking

become a member

become a tsa

become a candidate

our community

become a member of the institute

being an icp member has many benefits, including being part of a professional community dedicated to contemporary psychoanalytic thinking.

Through the ICP Community many have found a home, cultivating professional connections as well as lifelong friendships, reducing the isolation one might experience in private practice.

  • Participating in peer-run consultation groups;
  • Ability to become an ICP Training and Supervising Analyst;
  • Participation in the ICP Listserv;
  • Access to the Psychoanalytic Electronic Publishing library (PEP)
  • Having one’s practice listed on the “Find A Therapist” web page;
  • Accessing the online ICP Articles library;

  • Ability to audit classes or teach courses in our psychoanalytic training program;

  • Ability to attend our Saturday Series and our Extension Programs;
  • Earning free continuing education credits for license renewal;
  • Receiving discounts to attend selected programs offered to the public.
  • Opportunity to participate on ICP committees.

questions about any of the above benefits or the membership process?

Please feel free to reach out to the ICP office. We are looking forward to welcoming you as an ICP member and to share the pleasure of being part of our ICP community.

Annual membership fee is $1,200.00, due on 10-15 annually. The membership fee covers our fiscal year 10-01 through 09-30. The membership fee will be prorated by month depending on the date of membership approval or membership withdrawal.

Please email completed applications to the office at [email protected].

Please download the application to fill it out electronically. 

become a training and supervising analyst (TSA)

being a training and supervising analyst is an extraordinary role to have in the analytic training experience of a candidate

To become designated as a Training and Supervising Analyst, the applicant must achieve the following:

  1. Complete five years of postgraduate study group experience, including one year in a Supervision Training Group.
  2. Competence may be demonstrated for becoming a Training & Supervising Analyst by one of two ways:
    1. Achieving Board Certification by the an appropriate professional psychoanalytic affiliated organization (e.g. ABPsa, ABPP, or ABE BCD-P), or
    2. Writing up and presenting an analytic case to a panel of 5 Training & Supervising Analysts arranged by the ICP TSA Committee and discussing your philosophy and approach to supervision.
  3. Applicants for ICP TSA must be graduates either of ICP or of a psychoanalytic program that meets equivalency standards.
If you are already an approved Training & Supervising Analyst from another institute, and your program meets equivalency standards, you will likely qualify to be a TSA at ICP. If you are not an approved TSA from another institute, you can apply to become an ICP TSA, but you will be required to meet equivalency standards for being an ICP Training & Supervising Analyst. The application and instructions for becoming an ICP Training & Supervising Analyst can be found on the ICP website.

Please download the application to fill it out electronically. 

become an icp candidate of the psychoanalytic training program

Study consists of personal analysis, three supervised control cases, four years of seminars, & final report.

The Institute of Contemporary Psychoanalysis affords candidates the excitement of advances in psychoanalytic thought built on our rich heritage of psychoanalytic theory. Recent developments in the areas of attachment, trauma, neuroscience, philosophy, infant research, consciousness, and complex dynamic systems expand the domain of psychoanalysis in ways never before imagined.

People hiking at sunset on a ridge

learn more about the icp community

icp is a diverse community comprised of members, candidates, students, corresponding members, and staff

ICP strives to promote an environment of free inquiry, a sense of community, a culture of diversity, inclusion, invitation, dignity, and respect for the therapeutic process.