Steven Barrie-Anthony, Ph.D., Psy.D., (Presenter) has a psychotherapy private practice in the San Francisco Bay Area. He holds a Psy.D. from the Institute of Contemporary Psychoanalysis, and a Ph.D. in Religious Studies from the University of California, Santa Barbara. His research interests include contemporary American religion and the ascent and experience of the religiously unaffiliated and the “spiritual but not religious.” He developed and directs a research program that examines the impacts of technologies on human relationships, based at the Institute of Buddhist Studies in Berkeley and funded by the Henry Luce Foundation. Particularly germane to the presentation at hand, Steven is coediting with Daniel Goldin an upcoming issue of Psychoanalytic Inquiry exploring emergences of the sacred in clinical practice, titled, “When the sacred emerges clinically: transcendent moments in psychoanalysis.”
She serves on the Editorial Boards of Psychoanalytic INQUIRY and Psychoanalysis Self and Context and has published numerous articles and co-authored one book.