12 events found.
ICP Film Series: Racially Charged (America’s Misdemeanor Problem)
film series: engaging race, difference, and otherness through film [...]
ICP Film Series: Transhood
Virtualfilm series: engaging race, difference, and otherness through film [...]
Connections and Conversation: a dynamic, relational view of empathy – Daniel Goldin, Psy.D.
VirtualA free program
ICP Film Series: Harvest of Empire
Virtualfilm series: engaging race, difference, and otherness through film [...]
ICP Film Series: Everything Everywhere All at Once
Virtualfilm series: engaging race, difference, and otherness through film [...]
Connections and Conversation: Why Not the Body? – Doris Brothers, Ph.D.
VirtualA free program
ICP Open House
Virtualget to know icp Join us on Zoom for [...]
ICP Film Series: Divided We Fall
Virtualfilm series: engaging race, difference, and otherness through film [...]
Karen Maroda: The Analyst’s Vulnerability
Virtualthe analyst’s vulnerability: how our early childhood experiences impact [...]