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series: connections and conversation

Connections and Conversation is a free monthly Zoom meeting, cultivating creativity and freedom of thought and feeling. We invite you to engage with our presenters and community as they share their interests and passions in conversation on current topics in psychoanalysis.

This free event alternates between Thursdays at 7pm, Saturdays at 9am, and Sundays at 2pm Pacific Time. The meeting begins with a 45 minute presentation followed by 45 minutes of conversation.

This series is open to all.

Culture and the texture of experience: Multiple systems perspective from an interpersonal psychoanalytic lens

Sunday , December 3rd, 2023 from 2:00 PM to 3:30 PM PST

From the first contact with our patients, we begin to engage the question: who is this person who has sought out our help? How do we understand their suffering? The maverick founders of interpersonal school of psychoanalysis, originally known as the cultural school, each in his/her own way, focused on the powerful impact of culture and social systems on the psyche. This work has been most cogently extended in contemporary thought by Edgar Levenson. In the work of these practitioners and thinkers, we can see how cultural forces are transmitted through family systems and other social institutions including in the relationship between therapist and patient. Today I will introduce what I am calling the cultural interpersonal lens, a careful theorizing of the human organism evolving in multiple social systems and the forces that contribute to pathology and problems of living. I will discuss the assumptions and power of this perspective in our contemporary clinical work.

Miri Abramis, Ph.D

Miri Abramis, Ph.D

Miri Abramis, Ph.D. is Faculty, Fellow, Training and Supervising Analyst at the William Alanson White Institute in NYC. She is currently teaching the work of Edgar Levenson, and for many years taught Child Development Research and Adult Treatment, an ongoing area of interest. She just completed eight years as director of IPPP, the psychoanalytic psychotherapy program at WAWI. Dr. Abramis is an Associate Editor of Contemporary Psychoanalysis. She is in private practice in Manhattan, specializing in psychoanalysis, and psychotherapy with individuals and couples. She supervises widely.

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